Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Cry When You’re Hungry

Hi there. Sorry I’ve been away for some time. I was off having a baby! That’s right. I haven’t blogged about being pregnant, though I might still write about the experience, as so many different food and body image issues arise during pregnancy.

Two of the most prominent for me were the following:

1. Food grossed me out. Food never tasted quite the same to me when I was cooking our little bun in my oven. People often asked me if I had any weird food cravings, and aside from milk and grapefruit juice, which I couldn’t get enough of during the first six months, the answer was mainly no. Way more bizarre to me was the long list of foods I normally love that I just could not stomach during pregnancy.

2. My body became a conversation topic – anywhere and everywhere I went. It’s a good thing I am in a healthy place with body image, because the moment I became pregnant, my body – it’s size, shape, growth or lack thereof, was on the table for discussion. Publicly. And now that I’m not pregnant anymore, it actually still seems to be. Quotes from the last 12 days include: “Wow, your belly really went down since yesterday!” “How long will it take for you to not look pregnant anymore?” Said over laughter, "You still look pregnant!" (hysterical, right?) And my personal favorite, “Why do you still look pregnant?” Hmmm, let me think for a moment -- because I had a baby 12 days ago? Just a guess.

Anyway, all sarcasm aside, I am now a very proud mommy to my little pumpkin. And though this blog is not about pregnancy or babies, it’s all a part of who I am now, so I thought I’d better make the announcement here.

Plus, I have a sense my little girl is going to have a lot to teach us all about intuitive eating and listening to our bodies. During the past 12 days I’ve already learned volumes about what intuitive eating looks like in babies.

It’s called CRYING. And lots of it until you give them that milk. Sometimes it takes my husband and me an hour to figure out that – though she just had a great feeding an hour prior– our little pumpkin is still hungry. And the moment mommy gives her some milk, she’s calm as can be.

So…..here’s to intuitive eating from birth. More regular blog posts (including some, perhaps, about pregnancy and about the intuitive eaters present in all of us from birth) to come when I have a little more sleep in my system.

To the right....pregnant Maggie, and Mommy Maggie with Baby.


Linzey said...

I, for one, am hugely impressed that you are even posting (let alone getting a shower and looking nice for photos)! I think everyone reacts to having a newborn in a different way - mine was to turn completely inward to the extent that I couldn't manage much of anything beyond nursing and changing diapers. :)

On food, I had the same exact issue regarding aversions. Hardly any cravings (except one notable experience where I really wanted some McDonald's chicken nuggets), but LOTS of stuff seemed disgusting to me.

Congrats again on your new little girl!

Maggie Miller said...

Thanks Linzey! And if it makes you feel any better, nursing and changing diapers is pretty much all I can handle right now, too. However, when she is sleeping, it does feel good to put fingers to keyboard and post. We'll see if/how that continues....

Unknown said...

Congratulations!! I'm looking forward to reading more about your journey, when you've had some sleep, in a few years...

Unknown said...

You're completely spot on about your body becoming a conversation topic for everyone else. I'm just getting to that point and it's quite stressful!

Love the picture of you and baby girl, by the way! :)

Maggie Miller said...

Thanks Mari and Elisabeth. And yes, the body comments is such a bizarre experience. As it seems appropriate, I will continue to blog about these issues as I think they are important....and I'm curious what others feel about these topics as well.

Sarah said...


Pregnancy was such a great time for me body-image wise. I finally felt free to eat based on my own hunger and as it turned out, I ate healthy foods by choice and didn't gain a ton of weight.

I was back to my pre-pregnancy weight nine months after giving birth, thanks to breast feeding--but unfortunately when I quit breast feeding I gained 10 lbs that I'm still struggling with (mostly due to sleep deprivation and the stress of going back to work driving me to eat too much junk).

Now I am trying to get healthy again and teach my daughter to eat intuitively as well (she's 2).

Wilsons' Eating Tour said...

Maggie, I love the messages you are giving. Keep it up, and next time some obnoxious person says something about baby weight, kick 'em in the shins. Give me a break already!!! Looking forward to following your blog and would love to invite you to ours! All about balance & common sense! Congrats again on baby!
www.conquerthemonkey &
See our goat cheese & garlic recipe, mmm

Maggie Miller said...

Thanks Sarah and Cameron -- appreciate your comments. And Cameron, yes, I'll take a look at both of your sites!