Saturday, August 2, 2008

Dieting Doesn't Work. Intuitive Eating Does

We all have reason to celebrate today. And to thank Ken Carlson for writing a great piece in The Modesto Bee about intuitive eating. I hope to see more of these soon.

Only thing I must caution you about when reading this piece is the last part of the article where a source from WW says that WW is not a diet. HA! Though believe me, I understand the requirements of journalism and balanced reporting, so this was probably necessary.

If you ignore that last bit about the WW DIET, this is a great article on intuitive eating.

This is all very funny timing for me. For some reason, I've encountered a lot of people recently who are on diets. Friends, colleagues and acquaintances who are skipping out on things they enjoy (wine, salad dressing, you name it) because it isn't allowed on their particular diet.

This saddens me. Immensely. Because study after study after study after study has shown that diets don't work. As Traci Mann, UCLA associate professor of physchology and lead author of a study on dieting, said, "Diets do not lead to sustained weight loss or health benefits for the majority of people."

And....intuitive eating does. So take a deep, appreciative breath of life. Close your eyes for a moment. And remember that if you listen to it, your body will tell you exactly what it wants -- and needs -- to eat. Honor that.

And have a great weekend while you're at it.

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Roger Thomson, Ph.D. said...

Hi Maggie,
Do you have any links to empirical studies on intuitive eating? I'd love to be able to cite some research in an upcoming post. Thanks a lot,

Maggie Miller said...

Hi Roger,

I tried replying on your blog to give you the resources you're looking for, but I'm not sure if that worked. If you ever want to email me directly, send it to

As for the studies you're looking for, go to and click on INTUITIVE EATING STUDIES.


Jenn said...

Amen! It's amazing how much your body can regulate and stablize your weight, once you start listening to it and not the latest diet. ;)

Maggie Miller said...

Thanks, Jen. I agree!