Friday, June 20, 2008

Summer Special

Tomorrow is the first official day of summer, and I have one message for you: beware of advertisements that are going to try to convince you to start a new diet. Airwaves around the world (as well as new stands, water cooler conversations and grocery check-out lines) are saturated with dieting messages right now. These messages can be alluring because they're fueled by a multi-billion dollar diet industry that's dependent on signing you up for a new gimmick just in time for bathing suit season.

In order to stay true to my original mission -- to help as many people as I possibly can to stop dieting and start living -- I'm dropping the price of my book to $9.99.

If you haven't bought my book yet, and are feeling tempted by the smiling faces of people dancing across the screen (or page) in dieting ads, buy it now.

Imagine a summer spent in freedom. No dieting, no restricting, and no foods off-limits.

I'm off to try a new recipe for peanut-butter and jelly bars -- kind of like peanut butter cookies meets blondies meets PB&J. I thought it would be a good snack to bring pool side on the first day of summer.

Happy swimming!

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