Thursday, April 24, 2008

What Is Image, Anyway?

People often ask me what they can do to improve their body image. It's a good question and one that is not easily answered in a nice, neat sound bite. My first reaction to that question is generally another question: "What fills you up? What makes your juices flow? What do you care about and what makes you laugh?"

By immersing ourselves in issues, pursuits and interests that will fill our lives with much more meaning than a "pretty" body ever could, we almost circumvent the need for a wonderful "body image." Not that positive body image isn't valuable -- it is. But I find it most helpful to start with a pursuit of a positive self image. If you get that down, the body image will follow.

That being said, take a look at an excerpt from a wonderful book I discovered this week. Boy do I want to get my hands on a full copy of this book! And though I've not met you, Rosanne Olson -- kudos to you for this new release. We need more work like this floating around our bookstores.

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