Thursday, January 10, 2008

Oprah Magazine Piece Got It

I am so pleased to report that Naomi Barr is spot on in her column in the February issue of Oprah Magazine. It's called "Maybe You Need To Gain 10 Pounds." Hurray! Finally some press and a reputable study showing that being a bit "overweight" is actually healthy! In all of the research and reading I've done over the years, I've read about this phenomenon many times -- that "overweight" is actually healthier than "under weight" and sometimes even healthier than "normal weight."

This particular government study shows that "carrying a few extra pounds may actually help you live longer." Yes, you read that correctly.

It goes on to say that in the study of 37,000 death records done by researchers at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Cancer Institute, people who were "overweight" not only didn't have a greater risk of dying from cancer or heart disease than "normal weight" people, but that in fact they were less likely to die from chronic respiratory disease, infections and Alzheimer's or Parkinson's disease, among others.

The funny thing is that we're still using the terms normal weight, overweight and underweight, as if there is a standard that fits for everyone. Funnier still, because if "overweight" people are actually living longer than "normal weight" people, then shouldn't they also be given the much sought after label of "normal" too so they can stop feeling bad about their weight label?

Anyway, if you get Oprah magazine, check out this piece on the bottom of page 108. And paste it wherever you need the reminder to stop dieting and start living.

And by the way, happy new year!

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