Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Shout out to ABC's Good Morning America

I have to give a big shout-out to ABC's Good Morning America for producing such an important and thoughtful piece on orthorexia. Claire Shipman reported this story and rather than provide a deep analysis here, I thought I'd just share the link so you can watch it yourself. It seems that orthorexia is gaining more attention from media and I'm "glad" to see that. I put "glad" in quotes because of course I wish media didn't have to report on this disorder because that would mean it didn't exist. But since that is not the case -- orthorexia does exist, and is probably much more common than we all might imagine -- I'm glad ABC shed light on the issue. Apparently the piece grew out of this Time magazine story, so a shout-out to Time reporter Bonnie Rochman as well.

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